Why every parent should know about the circular economy

It’s one of those terms you hear more and more these days: the circular economy. But what exactly is it? How does it relate to daily life, and why is it important for kids to know about it, too? Here’s all you as a parent should know about this new movement. Continue reading “Why every parent should know about the circular economy”

3 x awesome companies that recycle kids stuff (and food)

In the midst of bringing up a (set of) little human(s), it can be hard to remember that kids’ items also have their ecological impact. Luckily, more and more initiatives are popping up to help reduce our children’s carbon footprints. Here are three UK companies that are making parents’ lives easier when it comes to recycling. Continue reading “3 x awesome companies that recycle kids stuff (and food)”

QUIZ: How much do you know about fast fashion?

Do you consider yourself an eco-fashionista? Can you be found lecturing your friends about the environmental impact of clothing on a daily basis, or are terms like ‘fashion waste’ and ‘fast fashion’ still new for you? Take the test and find out how much you really know about your wardrobe! Continue reading “QUIZ: How much do you know about fast fashion?”

5 x DIYs with kids clothes

Soft Focus of a Two Years Old Child Choosing her own Dresses from Kids Cloth Rack

If there’s one thing that’s better than recycling, it’s upcycling. Because what’s more fun than turning outgrown favourites into new eye-catchers? DIY-ing with clothes is a perfect crafting activity, and a great way to teach the next generation about sustainability and recycling. Continue reading “5 x DIYs with kids clothes”